On Thursday, model and influencer Jordyn Woods gave fans a big shock when she posted a photo of herself wearing a huge ring on that finger on Instagram. The 23-year-old was on set, wearing a casual, comfy fit and a stunning full face of makeup, smiling for the camera and leading her followers to believe she could be engaged. Of course, her comment section was immediately flooded with questions, with one fan asking, “Is that a ring with diamonds or a diamond ring?”
Jordyn’s boyfriend, Minnesota Timberwolves player Karl-Anthony Towns, jokingly commented on the photo of Jordyn in front of a massive Air Jordan shoe, writing, “Knew I was missing a shoe....” This isn’t the first time the two have sparked engagement rumors, especially when Towns essentially confirmed he’d be putting a ring on the model’s finger on Twitter. “Same haters we got now are gonna be the same ones we have when I put that ring on her finger,” he wrote on March 18th.
Elizabeth Woods, Jordyn’s mom and manager, confirmed that the two were not engaged, however, and the ring was just a piece of flashy jewelry that Jordyn was asked to wear for a photoshoot. Perhaps a proper engagement will come soon, though, considering Towns definitely thinks Jordyn is “the one.” Let us know your thoughts about this celeb couple in the comments.